I have three kids, two girls and now a boy, 16 months old. The girls were great as babies. My youngest daughter had colic and we dealt with that, but over all she was good. My son, is truly a handful and I need help. From the time he was 6 months old, he screams, cries, yells, hits, bites, throws things, pulls on the dogs and cats. I've tried teaching him empathy, telling him no, teaching him boundaries. I love him, but he is miserable to be around. I was a preschool teacher for years and I never once experienced a child like him. I'm exhausted at the end of the day and I feel like I've failed him as a mom. The doctors says "boys are different then girls, all boys hit and bite and scream, he'll out grow it" He's also been late doing things, just learned to walk 1 month ago, says ma, dad, juice, bye and that's it. Has anyone experienced a child like this and if so what did you do?