
Help me with my Babysitting!!!?

by Guest64875  |  earlier

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Im thinking of babysitting for my neighbour. They have two preschool girls. But i need then to enjoy themselves so i get to do it again. Any tips?

Also how much money is a good rate?

Im 14 by the way.




  1. I'm 13 and have been through training and I charge $7.00 per hour. If you have been through training (or have a lot of expirience) try charging $7-$10. If you haven't done training (or have very little expirence) try charging $5 or $6 per hour.

  2. Just really engage with the kids, let them show u their toys and tell u what they like doing. as long as ur warm and friendly they'll take to u. Makesure they respect u as a pier though, be firm. arts always a good activity, drawing, making cards for their friends/parents and take some sparkly stickers-they'll love em! also, u cud make jelly or playdough (ask their parents first. maybe get one of those bun makin kits but don't let them nr the oven or sharp things. just enjoy it n ur enthusiam will show through!

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