I swear nobody know's the answer to this question about what's going on with my Dwarf Gourami.
Weeks ago he had a sore, small and pinkish in color. I treated the tank with Fungus and Parasite products and he didn't show any signs of improving. Then I was told by Pet store people to try Melafix. Treated for 10 days straight. On the 7th day he developed a hole in the middle of the sore. I took him out of the tank and into his own "sick tank". I was then told I should try Fungus Cure by API, and no difference in the now hole on his side. Now he's starting to get a new sore. I also noticed he's got a small hole in the middle of his tail fin.
I called API and told them what was going on with the fish and they said to try Ferun-2, and antibacterial medication. I've only treated him once (just bought the stuff) and plan on doing the whole treatment and probably a second round.
Anyway anyone had a similar problem and if so what is it and what did you use to treat the fish.
Thank you