
Help me with my application to become school captain?

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I'm applying for school captain, and I'm writing a speech to give too the teachers of my school too get me short listed. I'm wondering what i should write about in it?




  1. Okay - whenever I have to give crappy campaigning speeches I do one of two things. (These got me student representative council, and captain of music, and captain of basketball in year 10)


    a) Use the "Two mice fell into a bucket of cream" speech from the movie Catch Me If You Can. If you haven't seen it, it goes along the lines of;

    Two mice fell into a bucket of cream. The first mouse gave up straight away and drowned, but the second mouse he didn't give up, he kept on fighting until he churned that cream into butter and he crawled out of the bucket... I am that second mouse!

    Then just elaborate on specifics. So what if it makes no sense, it gets people interested.

    Or b), for a more serious tone, begin with a list of what you won't be as school captain. eg: I might not be the tallest, the strongest, the smartest, the funniest... etc, but I can tell you one thing - I love this school.  Then, like before, just say some specific points like, I don't know, whatever you want to get done as school captain, like get better food in the cafeteria or whatever. That's up to you.

    Admittedly, I did these with a lot of humour to appeal to other students. I don't know how they'd go in front of just teachers. :/

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