
Help me with my book plz?

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can u tell me waht edward does for bella in twilight when he takes her to his meadow the first time? what happens and did u all know that the movie is coming now in november 21 not december 12!!!!!

im so excited.




  1. when edward takes bella to the meadow for the first time he shows her what he looks like in the sun. he literally sparkles like there are a million diamonds on him.

    after that he shows her how he travels in the meadow--running very very very very fast. Bella got dizzy from this.

    then he kisses her for the first time.

    its a very nice scene :)

    and i can't wait for the movieeee!!!!

  2. wat exactly do you mean?

    ill reread it...its sitting right here one sec

    5 minutes later...he just talks to her one line in the meadow is and so the lion fell in love with the lamb such a nice scene :D

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