
Help me with my braces/glasses/contacts dilemna!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have braces and next month they told me that they would evaluate and come to a desicion to take my braces off and next month im going to start school again i feel dumb cuz i told everyone i was going to get them off in july and my appt. was yesterday and they didnt take them off. And my ortho told me that he doesnt think my tooth will move in time making it 2 more months. well i wear glasses too and i dont want to wear both unless it will look good but i doubt it umm yeah should i get contacts i live in denver colorado how much do contacts cost and how many times do you need to change them i am working right now so i think i can afford them. but i hate my braces though especially the rubberbands cuz the rubber bands are in the front and you can clearly see that i have them on:( also i have medicaid will medicaid cover them or no? Im 16




  1. You are near sighted if you can't see far. I just got contacts and they were around 100 dollars in copays (after insurance) so that should give you a good idea of the cost. I would get contacts if you can afford them. I got a year supply of disposalbe ones (best ones to use) and they should be changed every two weeks. The contact solution should be changed daily, or more. But, if your braces will come off in 2 months and contacts are too expensive, then just "suck it up" as they say, and wear both. That too shall pass...

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