
Help me with my case study on children with autism..?

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i have to answer this.. what can i learn from studying a child with autism? and how do u think we should react or handle a child with autism?

please help.. i regret now for not doing my work.. but please help.. i have to finish this by tomorrow..




  1. By watching teh children-you can often tell how samrt they are.  They don't test weel-you just have to watch them in their natural play and you will pick up on signs that show their capabilities.

    Handle a child with autism as a child-expect great things, but don't be disappointed if he does fulfill your dreams-most children don't -whether ot not they have autism-take pride in each and every success-expect them to be contributing members of society and continuiously improve upon themselves..

    don't use autism as an excuse-continue to decrease negative behaviors and increase positive ones throughout life-as everyone should do...

  2. Several things I have learned from being a dedicated mom to a child with autism.  (1.)  Reactions differ according to circumstances (2.) Reactions typically do not change the behavior of an individual with autsim -- they don't read facial expressions like the rest of us do.  (3.)  You can learn more from an autistic child/adult than one could ever possibly imagine!  (4.)  Next time, take the time to do the work - you short changed yourself by NOT doing the proper amount of work!

  3. Autistic individuals display many forms of repetitive or restricted behavior, which the Repetitive Behavior Scale categorizes as follows:

    -Stereotypy is apparently purposeless movement, such as hand flapping, head rolling, or body rocking.

    -Compulsive behavior is intended and appears to follow rules, such as arranging objects in a certain way.

    -Sameness is resistance to change; for example, insisting that the furniture not be moved or refusing to be interrupted.

    -Ritualistic behavior involves the performance of daily activities the same way each time, such as an unvarying menu or dressing ritual. This is closely associated with sameness and an independent validation has suggested combining the two factors.

    -Restricted behavior is limited in focus, interest, or activity, such as preoccupation with a single television program.

    -Self-injury includes movements that injure or can injure the person, such as biting oneself.

       The main goals of treatment are to lessen associated deficits and family distress, and to increase quality of life and functional independence.

  4. A few things I've learned from working with kids who have Austism is patience and understanding. Never expect them to be socially or communicatively perfect and realize that the quirks they have with routine and being easily frustrated is who they are.

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