
Help me with my dark deck?!?!?!!!?!?

by  |  earlier

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dark armed dargonx1

dark nephthysx1

dark horusx1

dark general freedx1

darl lord zeratox1

dark creator x1

dark knight parshathx1

mystic tomatox3

armageddon knight x2

necro gardna x2

phantom of chaosx1

snipe hunterx1

morphing jarx1

doomsday horrorx1

prometheus, king of shadowsx1


monster rebornx1

burial from a different dimensionx2

heavy stormx1

premature burialx1

ehnemy controller x1

shield crushx1

fires of doomsdayx1

book of moonx1

lightning vortex x1

smashing ground x1


escape from the dark dimension x2

return from the different dimensionx1

dark illusion x2

mirror forcex2

torrential tribute x1

so yea. i need a few more cards in there to finish it but i don't know what to do wityh it. i was thinking dmoc. and maybe replacing dark illusion with body as a shield. but i am getting dark grepher, dark eruption and the beginning of the end in the mail soon, so plz plz plz give me some advice. what to put in, what to take out????




  1. you should add raviel lord of phantams

    otherwise it is really good

  2. You Should Put raviel lord of phantams Other Wise Its Great


  3. my friend has a dark deck which is pretty good so ill try make your deck more like his (not giving exact decklist since i dont know it lol)

    -1 dark horus

    -1 dark nephthys

    -1 dark general freed

    -1 darknight parshath

    -3 mystic tomato

    -2 armageddon knight

    -1 phantom of chaos

    -1 doomsday horror

    -1 shield crush

    -1 fires of doomsday

    -1 rftdd

    -2 dark illusion

    -1 mirror force (limited to 1 anyway)

    +2 dark armed dragon

    +3 d-hero plasma

    +1 d-hero dogma

    +2 dark grepher

    +1 e-hero stratos

    +1 d-hero disk commander

    +1 DMOC

    +3 d-draw

    +2 allure of darkness

    +2/3 trade in

    +1 limit reverse

    not sure how many cards this will put you on but im sure you can edit it yourself to make it 40

    hope this helps

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