
Help me with my first tattoo?

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to get this tattoo (without all the blood.) It'll be my first and only tattoo. What can I expect price-wise and pain-wise? Personal experience of large/first time tattoos would be great. I live in north Alabama, 10-15 minutes outside of Huntsville and I can be in Tennessee in under 30 minutes. How old do you have to be to get a tattoo without parental consent? I'm only 16, but I can wait. Thanks for all the help!




  1. 1) It will hurt.  It's suppose to.  Using a cream like lidocain means that you shouldn't get one (aka - wimping out).

    2) That size?  You're looking anywhere between $300-$400.

    3) If you find someone willing to tattoo someone under 18 .. DON'T USE THEM! - basically, they're not a reputable inker.

  2. you would have to be 18

    and for experience think it through cause if you think about it

    it will be there for the rest of your life and you wouldn't want to regret

    it after the years have past just like i did when i was 13 just think about it it should be well thought out and worth it. pain it depends where you get it and it depends on how big and how much color in it.besides mine is free do to i have tattoo art in my family.

    it also looks good without blood

    good choice i like guns and roses

  3. Are you sure you want to have the logo of a crappy band stuck to your arm for the rest of your life?

  4. Getting a tattoo of a band on your arm may not be the smartest idea.

    Why is this band so meaningful to you that you want to have their logo on your arm?

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