
Help me with my golf. Tell me what you think?

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I have been playing golf for a while and i am 15 years old. This year my dad bought a family membership to a country club. I drive about 300 and go right i use the taylor made superquad with the heavy weights toward the shaft. I need help with my short game i duff the ball alot. Putting is ok. I want to go to college for golf what college also. Also how do i put backspin on the ball.




  1. Ok, lets start at the beginning. Your drives, if you are pushing the ball right you need to have more of an inside to outside swing path. You are coming across the ball at impact instead of square. Practice by keeping you right elbow against your body as you take your back swing. Next- Chipping is about touch/feel and takes A LOT of practice but it is the most important part of the game. Don't just practice with one club, use them all, something will feel right, try a three wood!!. School-That is a big question- but consider a school someplace where you can play all year long, like Arizona or So cal. Practice time equals results. Plus golf is getting more competitive at your age, be sure to play in as many tournaments as you can to get used to the feeling of playing with a lot of people around. Backspin comes from imparting downward pressure on the back of the ball. This sometimes feels like your chopping wood, a sharp downward blow. Practice,Practice,Practice...

  2. The answer to virtually all of your questions........Good basic swing mechanics!  how to get them?     you are not going to like this..........Lessons from a good teaching pro.  And hours of practice.  the basic break down I have used is 70% on the green and chipping.......20 % from 100Yds and 10 % on the range.   When I played tournament golf I practiced 3-4 hours a day.  (Plus a minimum of 18 holes on the course per day)  To be good at anything takes patience,and perserverance and dedication.  If you put in the time and dedication you will be repayed in kind

  3. You don't hit it 300 yards. If you duff the ball a lot during your short game you need to calm down and keep your head down and not break your wrist. Sounds to me like you need a WHOLE lot of practice. When you say your putting is ok, does that mean you can make every putt within 10', because if you can't and your wanting to play college golf, it is definitely NOT ok. Lastly, spin has more to do with the ball you play with and the condition of the course then anything else, but if you duff the ball a lot you need to practice on being able to hit a normal chip shot before you spin it.

    Now when you read this you probably gonna think i'm a douche and that you don't need to listen to me. But you do. Read my other answers i've posted on Answers to help you with other parts of your game.

    Sorry to be blunt, but it's not as easy as you think but you have time to make it if you work hard.

  4. to get back spin you have to get under the ball, if ur driving just put the tee higher, if ur chipping use your 7 iron. I dont know about the college stuff thou, sorry.

  5. As far as collage goes, start taking lessons and practice ALOT. Many people think that playing is better than practicing, they are wrong. As far as the backspin goes, always try to keep your head and hands behind the ball at all times, spin is developed by wrist speed and your ability to strike down and through the ball. Do not confuse this with swing speed. With your drive, if you are able to slice the ball 300 yards there is something wrong, try taking a more controlled swing and remember that 250 and straight is better than 300 and right. Chipping will be improved with practice, even if just in your back yard from on side to the other. you will eventually learn what type of shot for your lie, but right now a putting stroke with your 7 or 8 iron will give you the most consistency around the green.

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