
Help me with my horse?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i got a 16"3 t/b, he is big lad and most of the time kind and gentle, exept when he has to be in the stable and there arent any others in, he goes bonkers, calling and kicking and throwing himself at the door, ive tried to sit it out and just leave him for an extra ten mins every morning so he gets used to it but he doesnt, when i do get his headcollar on him to lead him out,he drags me all over the place and is really lively, some might say this isnt a major problem but if he ever needs to be on box rest and he is in alone, god knows what im gonna do!! thanx in advance 4 any help guys xx p.s i had to move yards b4 cus he put his foot through the wall twice at the back of the stable, he had been in 5 mins by himself!!!!!




  1. My young german bred mare has a really feisty temperament and used to paw the ground and kick the door when the others were not near her, or at feeding time, or just to get attention.

    I couldn't shout because the others would think I was mad at them, and shouting gave her what she wanted - attention.

    You notice I said "used to" - now this may not work, but it's worth a try. It takes a lot of patience and determination - but buy yourself a kids water pistol.

    When he starts to play up fire the jet at his neck, just behind his jowl. Make sure the waterpistol is really one designed for young kids - not one of the modern high powered ones - you could do some damage with one of those.

    I did this with my mare and after a while she associated kicking and pawing with the jet and now if she attempts to do one of these I only need to take the pistol in my hand and I swear she puts on a "butter wouldn't melt in my mouth" face an turns to the back of the box.

    Good Luck.

    P.S. My friend tried this with foals who found chewing the post and rail fence a really good fun thing and in no time they gave up doing it!

  2. you board im guessing...

    if you can, put him alone in an indoor area and leave him for a half hour-hour or until he settles down.

    he seems to almost have seperation anxiety.. lol. but horses are herd animals so they long to be with others..

    also, try getting a rope halter.. it has knots where their pressure points are located so if you need to stop him from pulling you, thats your best bet.

    but once he calms down in the arena, let him stay there for like 5-10 minutes to make himself realize he is fine... he just needs to break through into his learning state. they try that every day until he doesnt care being put there alone [it may take awhile, but it should happen eventually] then move him to his stall.. and try it there

    good luck!

    also.. do NOT put a mini in with a reg. horse. they can kill them without realizing it... and if he is going crazy beating the stall up then that mini has no chance.
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