
Help me with my horus deck?

by  |  earlier

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Hi. Recently i just went to my local tournament, at first i thought my horus deck was strong and decent, i was realy confident but wen i dueled this one duelist in the upper tournament i got slaughtered. So now my confidence just got crushed so i was wondering if anyone could help me modify my deck.(plz dont say i need cyber drgaons cause I dont have a single 1 and i dont want to waste money getting them.)


Horus lv4x3

Horus lv6x2

Horus lv8x2

Red eyes b. chick

Red eyes black dragon

Red eyes darkness dragon

Summoned Skull

Dragon dwelling in the cavex2

Luster dragonx2

Chthonian Emperor dragon

Obsidian dragon

mirage dragon

spear dragon

infernal dragon

exiled force

peguion soldier

snipe hunter

man eater bug

night assailant


Mystical space typhoon

Dragons mirrorx2

Level modulation

Super polymerization

Level up!x2

ScapeGoat(for infernal dragon combo)


heavy storm

pot of avarice

lightning vortex

brain control

swords of revaling light

cost down


monster reborn


Slomn judgment

Sakuretsu armorx2

Magic Cylinder

Draining Shield

Sinister Seedsx2

Bottomless Trap Hole

Shadow spell


Mirror force

And thats it so if you got any good ideas on how i could make this deck better or if you have any other ideas on a good horus deck just plz tell me i would realy appreciate it. Thx




  1. A huge problem I can see with this deck is consistency. You said this deck is based on Horus and its level advancements, but you are running a family of Red Eyes. Not only is this a crippling factor but it pulls the emphasis away from Horus.

    Another problem I am seeing with this deck is a lot of random cards that really aren't needed for a deck of this caliber. I suggest trying to add cards such as smashing ground, mask dragon, troop dragon, and Zaborg the Thunder Monarch. I could go on, but I think you got the idea.

    Remember never get discouraged, not matter how bad it seems. Like they say: "Every cloud has a sliver lining". I'm sure you'll be winning in no time provided you take out those Red Eyes...and the skull too.

    P.S.- Make another deck that caters to Red Eyes.

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