
Help me with my jump serve. easy 10 points if you HELP!

by  |  earlier

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okay. i am a sophmore and i play volleyball for my high school. i have a chance of making varsity, but the only thing i have trouble with is serving. my jump serve goes over maybe twice out of ten trys... any advice on how to "wow" my coach and nail maybe 7 out of 10?





  1. practice practice practtice.

    i had this problem too.

    just dont be afraid to really hit it!!

    maybe ur not throwing the ball high enough.

    maybe ur hand is slanted.

    hope i  helped!

    good luck and im sure youll wow ur coach! :)

  2. Make sure  that your toss is always in front of you...if your unsure when your about to hit the ball make an adjustment and just get it over. Only rip it when you feel it....don't force it or your gonna make errors. Toss with two hands and don't toss it to high unless you have a good vertical.

  3.    1. Position yourself. Stand behind the back line so when serving you try to approach the line.

       2. Start with your right foot forward if you are right handed and your left foot forward if you are left handed. You will take a four step approach just as if you were going to spike the ball. Right, left, right, left.

       3. Look at the positions the players on the other side of the net are standing. Try to aim and hit where it may be opened.

       4. Toss the Ball in the air. Do it with either your left, right or both hands. This is an overhand throw, so make sure you do it overhand. Make sure the toss is in front of you. Throw it high enough but not to the point when you can't reach the ball or miss it.

       5. Jump. Jump when the time is right so you won't miss the ball.

       6. Extend your arm and hit it. Hit the center of the volleyball for a good throw. When hitting it try to hit it with your hand flat on the palm of your hand. This is like attempting a spike.

  4. I had a little trouble with mine,but I have learned (by watching the older girls) to make mine better.I wasn't throwing it high enough,and it didn't have any spin on it.If you throw with two hands,you might want to try throwing with 1 hand,that way it gets more spin on it,which is a good thing.The toss is the most important thing,so if your toss is good,and you already have a good hitting approach,you should have no trouble.

    That's basically all jump serving is,like attacking.

    Good luck!  [ :

  5. haha okay serving is a very tough thing to do, and it took me FOREVER to finally be able to do it the "right way" , so i definatly know where your coming are some tips that i actually found extremely important and useful while learning how to get it over and just plain serve well.............

    NEVER stand straight facing the court, angle yourself 45 degrees to the right

    NEVER put extra steps into your serve, just step and drag, thats it

    ALWAYS keep you hips, shoulder, arm, and hand OPEN!!!

    NEVER try to just hit it as hard as you can, take time on checking your form, opening up and swinging through the ball

    ALWAYS try to think about what your doing and where you want the ball to go

    ALWAYS be positive and tell yourself "i can do it"

    ALWAYS ask yourself "what went wrong" if you miss a serve or it does not go where you want it to go

    ***hope i helped and good luck with the serving!!!

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