
Help me with my lesson planning please!!?

by Guest64330  |  earlier

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i'm a teacher teaching a class of pre k children of age 3-6(casa). i am to teach them about milky way ..telling them about the constelation, milky way, etc etc in two 30mins lesson.. they dunt need to know too much but i dunno how much to tell them.. also how to make the class intersting, fun yet they will learn something? any experienced teacher out there please?? btw, i'm working in a montessori school..




  1. There are many Montessori websites that can help you with your topic.

    This website might help you with materials

    You may want to check out the library and see what kinds of picture books you could use on your topic.

    I would suggest that you observe the children as you go through the topic and pick up on things that they find interesting.

    If you have another teacher in your room you may want to use their format to introduce your topic.

    Hope this will help you a little and good luck.

  2. Begin by giving the children all a mat to sit on, or a peice of paper each will do then tell them its the seat of the rocket your are all going to fly in and get them settled on their seats. Do a countdown and blast off. Ask them what the can see and you might just have sparked their imaginations enough for one of the older ones to say milky way. If not then you can say "Wow I see a group of stars. out of my window .......ect" And give them some facts on what you want them to know. They could then draw what they think the milky way would be like on the paper they are sat on. On the next lesson begin in the same way for a revisit asking if they can see the milky way and what did they remember about it. Then put in some more information. Use their imaginations and they won't forget your lesson.

  3. I am a mom of a 5 year old and I also taught preschool for four years.  Kids this age like hands on learning.

    I'd suggest finding a map of star constellations, then when you do your lesson trace the star patterns in white chalk.  Then give a simple explanation of the star pattern (like the Big Dipper looks like a ladle).

    You could give the kids some gold star stickers and have them come up with their own constellations.

    I'd also check on some preschool websites or even also.

  4. Try these websites...they have a lot of ideas that I use.

    They have their sites divided by theme...look for space or stars etc.  Good luck!

  5. You're the teacher...shouldn't you know?

  6. Hands on for preschoolers.

    Let then glue and paste a constellation or two on paper and color it.

    Find a preschool video on the stars.

  7. I wished I could help you with this, but sadly, I can't.

  8. My answer is probably not going to help you much, but I will share what we did.  Of course, this was in a homeschool setting.

    We laid out on a blanket at night.  We looked at the stars, found some simple constellations, discussed the wonder of God's creation.  

    There is nothing like the real thing for learning.

  9. Go to

    Look up space and you will find a lot about space activities you can do.

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