My mom: stressed/hateful individual. She is always frustrated with my little brothers and she complains like crazy. She yells, a lot when she is frustrated. Living through this, I hate to admit, but I'm starting to get her temper, and I really, really don't want to be like that. She seems to have anger at people who are wealthier and she is hateful towards other races. She is rude to them, and I can't stop her or change her opinion. The worst thing is that she hates to admit. If she yells at me for the wrong reason, she will not say sorry, oh and that reminds me. Whenever I drop something or make a mistake and apologize she always says 'Sorry doesn't help', and that discourages me to be polite. How do I learn not to get her temper, and I realized that I tend to start yelling. Please help me, for my future.