Okay so my boyfriend and I have been going out for almost 11 months, he is 18 and I am 17. I honestly love him so much , he is my everything, and I am completely in love with him. My family adores him, and his family loves me, everything is just about pefect, in our romance. There is just one problem, I ALREADY feel like we are married, and that my whole life is planned out ahead of me. According to both of us we do want to be together forever and have a family, and yes it does seem kinda crazy that a 17 year old and 18 year old already know this, but we are different than most couples. But that is besides the point, as I said I already feel as if we are married, and thatt's not good for a 17 year old to feel, as if my whole life is planned out for me. Sometimes I want to break up with him so I can explore other things, know other people, and finish up my youth a little bit more, because If I never do and we do end up getting married I may feel trapped or bored cause my whole life was just with him, and everything was kinda repetive. On the other hand I do not want to break up with him, not only is he my boyfriend, he is my best friend. I dont know what I would do without him, I would be depressed, sad and go crazy, it seems like I will never meet someone as great as him. What should I do see other people so I can experience my youth, or stay with him, or be an open relationship?!