
Help me with my sisters??

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Before I posted a question about Guinea Pigs. Well we went to the petstore today and now my little sisters want a bunny. They are kind of ruining my chances of getting a Guinea Pig (They asked my mom and were begging for it. They also now want to share a pet with me but they don't get enough money. I know that I will get stuck doing all of the dirty work and paying for it. They will get all of the enjoyment and probably hog it from me). Please help me find a way to convince them to not want one so I get the enjoyment.

Thanks much. P.S please answer asap!




  1. just tell them NO! seriously i mean tell them that if they want the rabbit they will do everything for it while all you do is feed it i mean if they get tired of it soon you could sell it to a friend then go buy a guinea pig or just tell your mom how much you want one and if hse thinks that your sisters should get a rabbit let your mom buy it while you buy your guinea pig.

  2. I had the same problem. Here's what you can tell your sisters:

    "Bunnies are so cute, I bet you can't wait to get one. But they do bite, REALLY hard. They could bite your whole finger off if they wanted to. Also they sometimes kick. They have a bad smell if you don't take care of them properly. Did you know that you have to have the rabbit out of it's cage for at least 3 hours per day, and they can't live outside or they will die early. But, you must be really exited to get one!"

    Good luck!

  3. tell ur sisters that bunnies only live for 3 weeks even though they dont and tell them that guinea pigs live for 3 years or if that doesnt work tell them bunnies,bite,scrath,and arent friendly. hope this works and i hope u get a guinea pig.

  4. Just tell them! if its YOUR money, and you say its YOUR responsibility, you can get whatever YOU want. If they dont pay for any of the guinea pig  or rabbit (whichever you end up getting) and they dont clean up after it, keep it in your room and say if they dont pay up/ help clean up then they dont get to have any part of the guinea pig or rabbit.

    Just explain to your mom how  youd rather a guinea then a bunny, and thats what you were planning/hoping on.

    good luck!!! :)

  5. Ask your parents how much money the want to spend right at the start.  A rabbit *must* be spayed or neutered, this provides important health benefits and can significantly increase their life expectancy.  A rabbit surgery will typically cost well over $100.  Rabbits need at least 3 hours of out of cage time every single day, this must be done in an area that is carefully rabbit proofed (cords hidden, everything out of chewing distance).

    Both rabbits and guinea pigs have their good and bad sides.  They equally share the ability to toss hay, and occasionally p**p, everywhere.  They both require frequent cleanings and large cages.  Plenty of fresh veggies every day which can get expensive.  How much are your parents willing to spend weekly?  How much are they willing to spend at the vet?

    My rabbits have been one of the most difficult pets I have ever had.  Until they were neutered it was next to impossible to litter train them, so the cage needed to be cleaned every second day and scooped daily.  They need a huge cage (mine is 56L x 28W x 28H,  This is the smallest I would go with a rabbit, and my boys have at least 12 hours of out of cage time per day.  Rabbits are also extremely social, it is best to have at least two.  Rabbits can live well into their teens so it is likely that your parents would ultimately end up with the rabbits when you and/or your sisters move away.

    A rabbit is not really a good pet for a young child.  Rabbits are delicate and need to be handled carefully.  They need to be picked up with care because they can kick and injure their spine causing paralysis.  They easily break bones if they are dropped.  They also can seriously hurt when they kick or bite.  Mine have drawn blood more than once and they are fairly well behaved.

    Rabbit info:

    Guinea pigs are not easy either.  I spend a significant amount of money every month to keep my guinea pigs happy and healthy.  I use fleece and towels for the bedding and I sweep the cage once or twice a day.  A full change is necessary every 4-6 days.  They are also social and you should never get just one.

    Guinea pig info:

    Talk to your parents and see how much work they are willing to do to help when your sisters get tired of the pet.  Find out how much they are willing to spend on vet bills (I doubt that you have enough saved for anything serious).  Ask your sister how they will feel if they have a territorial bunny that lunges, kicks and bites.  Also, how they'll feel when they find out that the rabbit will likely not like to be held, won't sit on their laps, and hates to be picked up.

    Please consider adopting.  Buying from a pet store contributes to animal overpopulation.  Every animal bought at a pet store equals an animal dying in a shelter.  Pet stores typically buy their animals from mills or back yard breeders.  It's not an industry that you, or your family, would want to support if you saw the conditions that the breeding stock live in.

  6. Don't lie to your sisters.  I hate when parents (or older siblings) lie to children.  They need to know the truth:  that it is to be your pet and you are going to pay for it and take care of it.  That's not to say that your sisters cannot play with the guinea pig(s) if they behave well, but it's not their decision.

    Tell your mother this nicely and she should understand.  Children don't always get what they want (and whine for) and they need to learn that.  When they are old enough to make money and take care of an animal, they can choose what pet they want to have.  But for the time being, it is your decision.

  7. i stngly agree with you, ok tell your mom, a rabbit is much more pron to hurting you, they will bite and it hurts very bad, they kick you and  the claws on there feet hurt, guinea pigs bite too but not lik rabbits, when a piggie bites it is most likley because  they smell food, also it dosnt hurt at all, and they dont need quite as much room as a rabbit, but they do need about 7 square feet...and if you ask me, rabbit cn be very mean, (you should get 2 guinea pigs, they are very social)which is alos another thing that may help your sister pick the guinea pig,because she can have 2 of them instead of 1...


    Good idea Shannon, but why don't you get a piggi and a bunny they can live together but anyways. tell her that bunnies bite and scratch and tell her to look at their claws! =0

    rabbits can kill or injure a guinea pig, the only defince  the guinea would have to to run, run for its little life

  8. Tell your sister all the bad things about bunnys and all the good things about guinea pigs.

    It always works with my little brother.

    Good Luck!

  9. go to the store again and tell your mom to let you buy  the guinea pig with your own money and while they pack it up for you tell your sisters good things about them,and let them know your going to let them pet it so they can get excited,im 11 years and last time they bougth a rabbit but it started biting everything and i didnt want to clean so they gave it away,and then i wanted a guinea pig but my sister who is 16 years didnt want it but they bougth it and know she is always petting him,so right now i got a baby guinea pig who is sooooooooooooo cute,wish you luck

  10. :S girls and bunnies. Well show them pictures of cute gueini pigs and tell them how much cooler they are.

    Also tell your mom in the long run if you make a C&C cage that the Cavy will cost less per year and doent make as big of mess around the house. Plus they dont reproduce like Rabbit are know for.

    Also I had a rabbit once that Kick with her hind feet and she sure hurt. when she kick.  Tell your mom that Bunnies should only be bought if you have alot of free time and that your Sisters would help you.

    Plus if bunnies get out of there cage theyy eat anything. (My families ate our vacume cleaner. plus there teeth hurt if they bite.


  11. LOL!

    Good idea Shannon, but why don't you get a piggi and a bunny they can live together but anyways. tell her that bunnies bite and scratch and tell her to look at their claws! =0

  12. I like Shannon's answer do that.You can tell them that bunnies have poo the size of their heads lol or bunnies always run away from girls tell them the bad stuff that they do was from a scientist.

  13. i think u shud say bad things about bunnies and express ur emotions towards ur parents agbout getting a guinea pig and sound reall excited hope i helped

    bill out!

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