
Help me with my sixteen birthday party please?

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so i am 15 going on SIXTEEN,i am having a slumber party at my house with eight of my friends,its ALL GIRLS ,the color shceme is pink ,black and white ,i need ideas to fill in the blanks ,food, activtes and movie ideas




  1. Have you played the game "Apples to Apples"? We played over Easter w/my two sixteen yr.old nieces and others it was pretty entertaining. Just one thing you might to try. Have a great birthday. You may want to do a spa day at home.Some neat facial masks, nail polish and some great smelling lotions are always nice!

  2. im planning a 16th too. my theme is black and pink, serve black and pink food, (food colouring) and have black and pink baloons

  3. invite the guys.....:)

  4. Things I did at my 16th:

    Before the party, make plain cookie dough.  Let everybody decorate the cookies at the party, then bake and eat them.  use chocolate chips, m&ms, sprinkles, be creative. have icing for after they cool.  (Maybe have black, white, and pink icing/decorations)

    Rent a bunch of chick flicks and watch them.

    Eat food that doesn't require plates.  We had grilled shish-kabobs, chicken, steak, veggie, and fruit.

    Have fun!

    Be sure to tell your friends sleeping bag or no, pajamas or no, etc.

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