
Help me with network, tech geeks?

by Guest56708  |  earlier

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i need tech geeks ASAP. every website i go to (my mom says) is sent to the admin of the network (it's my dad's wireless network) so that every website i go to my dad knows and i need to know how to disable it or how to delete all remnants of one certain site that i go to. i know the key to connect to the network if that helps. thanks in advance!




  1. I can't believe you acutally got someone to give you a serious answer after calling them a freakin tech geek! The power of being a woman I guess.

  2. .For some reason, I'm thinking that it is very unlikely that someone can veiw all sites over a wireless network. I know that ISPs have that power, but I doubt that it's that simple.  

  3. It does not help. you will have no control on this as it is probably the router supplying the details. He will be the only one with admin control on it.

  4. Go to his computer, find the file, delete it, and never watch p**n again.

  5. Unfortunately if he is logging network traffic then there isn't much you can do.  They may just be telling you that to scare you but it is also entirely possible that he can see what you're doing.  You could use a proxy when you access the site you don't want him to see although if he notices you're visiting proxy sites then that will raise a red flag and it's not fool proof, enough wire sniffing and he can see everything.

    To be frank, how you would hide your tracks depends heavily on how he is monitoring the network traffic and there are dozens of different ways.  Parental control software, routers, packet sniffing, etc.  If whatever he is using to monitor it sends him emails then your out of luck because once the email is sent the only way to delete it is if you have access to his email.

    He could just be checking the router log, in which case if you can get the router's password then you can log in and erase it.  Once again, if the log is empty he will know something is going on.  Usually the address to access the router is but it might be different in your case.

    Bottom line, the best way to not get detected is to not visit that site.  Wait until you can use someone else's computer that he doesn't have access to or maybe use your public library's computers if they have them.

    [edit] By the way, as for what another answerer said about "tech geek".  Some of us don't mind being called geeks, some of us shop at Think Geek, some of us aren't so easily offended.  Just don't call me "Geek Squad™" (they're fake geeks) and I'm happy :-)

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