
Help me with terrisom>?

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why do we terrorism in this world?




  1. what exactly is what you are asking?

  2. Well, you used to have 2 equal sized armies that fought head-to-head with each other.  Then beyond world war 2 the US and Soviet armies got so big and powerful that nobody in their right mind would fight them head-to-head.  But they still had enemies.

    Terrorism, while horrible, allows a small group of people with limited resources to attack a superpower without spending years acquiring massive resources or building huge army or developing new technology.

  3. There's only one word to explain the evil of terrorism.


    Edit: My point is that Religion is and can be a very bad thing.

    What were the terrorists in 9/11 doing it for? Religion.

    If there was no Islam, or no religion in general, they're would have been no 9/11.

    And all the civil attacks against each other in Iraq? Over being sunni and shiite muslims.

    Yes, it is and can be a political matter. But the root of it, it religion.

  4. Are you ready to die? Because you're going to.

  5. Because people are greedy, selfish, and bloodthirsty creatures.

  6. No one has pointed out what I personally think is the worst kind of terrorism. State sponsored terrorism. Terrorism which is perpetrated by the government. For example during the Argentine Dirty Wars the government (supported by a country I'm not going to mention because I live in it) perpetrated acts of terrorism on its own people. They would "disappear" people and randomly release some giving hope to the families of disappeared people that they would see their loved one again if they would simply "behave" and not say anything bad about the government. While actually their loved ones were already dead. They routinely tortured people to try to uncover any information about people who may be against their government. I won't go into the actual forms of torture. This isn't the only case of state sponsored terrorism. In this case, like most other cases of terrorism, it was said to be done to protect or support an ideology.

    Its hard to say why terrorism happens, but I think its important to recognize it as more than just religiously motivated violence by extremist groups. If the purpose of an act is to inflict terror (actual terror not scary movie terror) than it is probably terrorism.

  7. This question makes no sense.

  8. We have terrorism because the terrorists don't have the strenth to get what they want by force so they try to make people like you andme affraid of them so we give them what they want

    ps.  If your affraid then the terrorists are winning.

  9. are you American?  Do you speak Enlish?  We do not do terrorism

    We do not take a strong enough stand against it.  It is still worse in any other country in  the world.

  10. Not just religion...far, far from it.

    One of the problems with 'terrorism' is that: 'One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter'. It's a very subjective subject. After all, countries such as the UK and the US have been shown to be just as active in various terrorist activities as any nation or group or organisation they deride!

    In fact, in 1996, Amnesty reported that, through its proxies, the USA was, worldwide, the singlemost active perpetrator of international terrorism.

    Additionally, Nelson Mandela was, for many years, considered to be a terrorist by the Western world...then, in his later years, the very same people who had deemed him to be a terrorist feted him and fawned over him and congratulated him on the presidency of South Africa!

    Similarly, both Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were previously considered to be valued allies of the USA before their status, in the eyes of the US administration, changed to that of 'terrorist'. Did they *really* change that much? Or did the needs of the USA simply change?

    Edit: actually I'd say 9/11 had v. little, if anything, to do with Islam and more to do with oppressive and interfering US foreign policy including, but not limited to, its blinkered and almost rabid support for Israel.

    Lirpaneb -- maybe I didn't imply strong enough when I mentioned the Amnesty report and the US' role in terrorism; according to that one report, there were more than 200 'state sponsored' terrorist events in a year that could be directly or indirectly laid at the feet of the USA (or its proxies).

  11. When I looked at the title I thought you were asking for help doing some terrorism and I thought, I don't do that sort of thing anymore.  After I read the rest I think I understand what you are asking.  Not why we do it, but why others do it.  

    Why is there terrorism in the world?  

    Some people believe that they can effect a political agenda by putting "pressure" on others.  Those people are wrong.

    The kind of political agenda they are pursuing is usually a desire to control the lives of others.  For example, Islamic fundamentalist terrorists want to restrict freedoms in certain countries.  On the other hand, some call themselves, "freedom fighters" because they believe they are fighting for a political separation between two peoples, such as Serbia and Croatia.  

    Whatever the agenda, terrorists are characterized by their methods.  They cause fear (terror) among civilians to raise awareness, to inconvenience, to promote anarchy.  

    Terrorism exists because some people want to control your life and will use any method, no matter how rude, to interfere.

  12. Well, that's kind of a tough question, but it all comes down to people considering their own agenda to be more important than the lives and safety of others.  It's sort of like an over-blown case of selfish power-hungry idiocy.

    Terrorism comes in all shapes and sizes; it's not just restricted to groups like Al-Quaeda.  When Timothy McVeigh and his partner blew up the building in Oklahoma City, they committed an act of terrorism.  Back in the 80s when fanatics set bombs in abortion clinics and shot at doctors who performed abortions, they were committing acts of terrorism.  When kids go off the deep end and shoot up their schools, they're committing acts of terrorism.  They're using fear and bodily harm to get what they want, even if what they want is to feel "important" or "right" for a few minutes.

    There are different ways that these people could have handled each situation, but they decided that their agenda was more important than human life.  

    We have terrorism because we have hate.  Both are unreasonable, illogical, and tend to get away from the person quickly.  Hate and terrorism tend to take over and reasonable actions or expectations completely leave the scene.

    I hope that answers the question?

    Edit - you're welcome! :)

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