
Help me with the cleaning please :(?

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OK well...first of all the kitchen flơr gets really dirty easily

because of the spillers in our house. so i was wondering instead of mopping the flơr daily and getting tired because of that what is another way that is light weighted, easy to use, and very bargained price


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  1. here's some kitchen cleaning tips... it might help you in some ways....  

  2. You absolutely must visit  Free online support with fantastic tips.

  3. Hey. Try the swiffer wet jet. It's lightweight, fairly economical, and easy to use.

    Oh - and for the spillers, I'd get them some sippy cups!

  4. I purchased the swiffer wet jet. It's easy to snap together and easy to use. Does a darn good job.

    Plus no nasty Mop and dirty water to dispose of.

  5. Tell me about it. I spill tons of stuff and I have a new pup too which makes it even worse because for some strange reason she believes the kitchen is the bathroom so I had to mop everyday. But then I got the Swiffer Wet jet. It did a very good job at cleaning. And it's light wait and got mine at Target. So good luck with spills.



  6. Hi Brittany,

    I may be a little bit late to answer, but I have a cloth specifically for wiping spills off the floor. (I have tiles) I then put it in the washing machine at the end of the day with a bit of bleach added to the detergent. (With another pile of washing of course). If you don't wash every day you could have several cloths so you don't run out between wash days. A lot easier than dragging out the mop each time. (Which I hate too!) Hope this helps!

  7. If its only a few spots on the kitchen floor and not the entire area then no way don't mop it instead get some baby wipes or general cleaning wipes and simply wipe where the spillage has happened. It only takes a couple of seconds and saves having to mop the whole floor.

    hope this helps

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