
Help me with this girl?

by  |  earlier

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i rly like her and today i was looking at her and a lot of times she was either looking at me or my way.... i dont know how to ask her cuz never had gf




  1. well be really cute and sweet about it

    girls love that

    and dont think about it

    just go for it

  2. well the next time you catch her looking at you, smile at her and say hi. and see how it goes. by then she'll probably like you already coz you smile at her and that makes her think you're a nice dude. 'befriend' her. good luck. =]

  3. Hm? What grade are you in?

    Well just give it your best shot.  

  4. say hey do u wanna go see a movie sometime its that simple

    answer mine

  5. Alright...

    We have a few options...

    1.Mind control- Pros=complete control Cons=I don't think this is actually possible, and if it is, it's probably locked up in some military base, so I wouldn't suggest this.

    2.Blackmail- Pros=great level of control Cons=She'll seriously hate you if you do this, and it'll be pretty hard to find something that secret

    3.Bribery- Pros=Enough money means you can do anything you want, just like the aristocrats Cons=She might not take this, and it's a pretty horrible way to start a relationship

    4.Drugging Pros=Fairly simple to do, lots of control Cons=illegal, immoral, breaks nearly every law ever conceived

    5.Tell your friend to tell someone else to tell someone else to tell her friend to tell her best friend to tell her that you like her Pros=She'll be so confused she'll never figure out who actually started the chain if she doesn't like you Cons=She'll also never figure out who started it if she does like you

    Or, just walk up to her and ask her. What else can you do?

  6. okay, well girls are extremely easy to impress, well at least i am, so if she is into you, then if u find a way to say hi, or even complement her! we love that, or ask her for a movie date, trust me she will love it!

    dont be shy what do u have to lose, she stares at u, then shes interested too!

    dont think just cuz she's the hottest girl n school, that u cant get her!

    girls arnt looking for the most popular jock n school thats only after s*x, we love the guys that look sweet and thats what most of us love!

    we want to be appriciated, so DONT think ur not good enough!

    fight urself and talk to her, dont miss out on something great, life's about taking chances!

    hope i helped..... GOOD LUCK =]

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