
Help me with this please! What do I do?

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Okay, for homework, one of my teachers is making my class create a picture of our future families. But im a L*****n! I cant have a picture of me married to a guy! No one in this class knows im g*y. :( My future family is not my teachers business! UGHH!!!! What do I do? Or what would you do?




  1. draw your parents old and yourself and your siblings older (if you have) anyway they are still your family  

  2. Be creative, portray a picture of you as a career girl with riches, or something with great, without a family. Create something just as fulfilling minus the children or partner.

  3. If you don't want to be outed and you can't stand to show yourself with a guy you'll have to do something comedic but it still counts as a "family". Personally if I was in that position I'd draw myself as a crazy cat lady with a bunch of cats in the picture. If your teacher is very serious about this assignment and doesn't have a sense of humor this may not work. You could also try drawing your family now but super old. Try to work with the technicalities ^__^

    Sorry if I didn't help and good luck  

  4. fake it, no one needs to know, just do what the teacher wants you to do.  

  5. Ok, you don't like guys, don't draw your self with a dude! Just draw what ppl are        saying: you and lotsa pets. But if you have guts draw you and a girl. Your life it's not   ppl's business it's true. You can also choose not to do the assignment, but that's not  the best idea. And if I was in your shoes I WOULD NEVER draw me a husband. I'm    not out at my new school, I might do the pet thingy. It's half true I wanna have pets.    And the teacher can't tell me anything even if I draw me with a girl.

  6. I don't know how literal the teacher wishes you to make this drawing. If possible, your picture could be a metaphor. Instead of drawing a person (man or woman), you could draw something that represents the qualities that you would look for in a woman. When someone asks you about it, simply tell them that "This represents the qualities that I look for in someone". Its not a lie, but it doesn't reveal your personal information either.  

  7. Just leave a partner out of the equation. Just make a picture with you in a Doctor's uniform, with a big house behind you and several cars,  with lots of pets!

  8. Just draw yourself and and a dog and tell your teacher...NO WAY IN h**l IM GETTING MARRIED!

  9. draw a really butch looking chick, OR if you're lucky your terrible at art and people can't tell.

    besides it's just a stupid assignment, lie if you have to, no one really is gonna pay THAT much attention to it

  10. Just Make one of U, a husband, and a kid, or something. Its not like ur teacher is gonna come up to u in 10 years and see if u were telling the truth. and anyways, u cant predict the future, so most likely, everyone isn't going to be like they're report when they grow up.

    And if u want, just do a L*****n report. The teacher cant discriminate u and shouldn't tell other kids, and no one else will see it. BUt if someone else IS going to, i would suggest the strait one, also just to be safe.

    Good luck! >_!

  11. Just play pretend treat it as a movie role do what you have to do to get the grade.Dont you just hate those first week of school projects.

  12. Fake it till you make it.  ;)  You shouldn't have to do that to get along but if your not wanting to come out yet then that's the only way to go without getting a horrible grade.  

  13. just play the game how it goes.. thats all I can say and if you are ashamed of who you are.. its time to check yourself and find out if the lifestyle you are in is that one for you.. good luck  

  14. Well... maybe your future wife can be rather butch. XD

    Or.. just have you alone with lots of cats/dogs. Heehee. I used to aspire to be the "Crazy Cat Lady".

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