
Help me with this question please!?

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I've literally been looking for the answer to this question online for about 2 hours and I haven't ben able to find it. Do you know the answer?

"What are some important ecological services on which our conomy depends"

Please help me, I need to write a short essay on this




  1. Ecological services: the natural processes which purify air and water, mitigate floods and droughts, and renew soil fertility..

    Well work on those as how our economy depends on those services..

    it shouldnt be that hard..

  2. our we talking about like the natural economy sources that our demanded? such as trees, and oil and stuff and you did mean economy with conomy right?

  3. Hopefully this will help a little more:

    Here are several websites to try. Go to the search boxes and use the keywords: economy for ecology

    This is the USA's portal for kids to do school research. When you do the search, you will get a listing of articles--you'll have to determine what is relative to your essay.

    This is a private ecological services company. Perhaps you can search around on their site, or even call/email them next week to interview them on their perspective of the economic impact of ecological services.

    This is the government's Dept. of the Interior, which includes Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife, National Parks, etc. When you do the search, you will get articles exactly on ecological services that impact our economy--especially agriculture, wildlife preserves, and tourism. Below the home link is one of those articles from Fish and Wildlife.

    Good luck. Mainly try to think common sense about ecology and what people spend their money on--like toilet paper, gas, clothes, food, etc. Ecology is very important to the well-being of our economic development and stability.

  4. key in your question -- I got over 10,000 sites.

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