
Help me with those CHemistry questions.?

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1.What is the mass percent of Sulfuric Acid in a 3 M solution of H2SO4.

2. The equilibrium constant for a particular chemical reaction at a constant temperature is about: K= 0.000000000023. What does this indicate?

a.The formation of products is strongly favored. (Moves to the right)

b. The formation of reactants is strongly favored. (Moves to the left)

c. Neither the formation or reactants or products is favored. Both are present in significant concentrations. (Neither right nor left)

3.Atoms of which of the following elements are least likely to form diatomic molecules under conditions found on Earth (and elsewhere.)Oxygen?Hydrogen?Nitrogen?Carb...

4. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2O, and it's molar mass is 120 g/mole. Calculate it's molecular formula

5.A 48.62g piece of magnesium is reacted with 500 ml. of 6M Hydrochloric acid which contains 3 moles of HCL to form Hydrogen gas and Magnesium Chloride. Which is the limiting reactant.




  1. Dude no one's gonna do your whole homework set for you. Hit the books and start paying attention in class.

  2. 2-ans c

    3- Carbon.

    4- C4H8O4

    5- HCl (Bcoz ratio btn Mg:Hcl= 1:2

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