
Help me with water amount for ultra sound...plz???

by  |  earlier

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i will be having an ultra sound to see why i have pain and some other stuff the doc saw through a ct scan.

I need to drink 32 fl. oz of water.

I bought a 32fl. oz gatorade drink. I measured and it equals four coffee cups and fills a fifth cup by a tiny bit its more like a swallow. Is the gatoreade bottle good enough??? I heard somewhere that your suppossed to drink 6 cups but the 32 fl oz gatoreade bottle fills up only 4 and way less than half in a 5th coffee cup.

Is this okay?? I mean it does say 32 fl oz on the conatiner.............

when i say coffee cup i mean teh ones u use in your house for coffee with a handle.




  1. Coffee cups and mugs hold slightly different amounts. The Gatorade container holds 32 ounces. If you can drink that much Gatorade, or water, your ultrasound will be fine.

    More than one technician has told me that many of their patients can't or don't drink the prescribed amount, but as long as the bladder is pretty full, they can do the ultrasound just fine.

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