
Help me with what this means?

by  |  earlier

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"you're sweet but sometimes in a naive way and i think in the end you're the one who will get hurt by that. so look after yourself because i'd hate to see that" i had this sentence written to me on truthbox from myspace and there was more to it but i thought i'd just give you guys this one sentence, i would be very grateful if someone could please explain to me the line that is about me being sweet but Naive.???? i looked up the definition of Naive but couldnt relate it to what was said, can someone please help me figure it out??? and explain what it means to me..




  1. A niave person is one who is not worldly -wise. Someone who sees life simply and generally believes what she/he is told. This person seems to be warning you that you are a pleasant-natured person who is too trusting of others who might take advantage of your trusting nature to do you emotional harm. This person is warning you not to be so trusting, to be a bit more suspicious of others so that you do not get your feelings hurt..

  2. It means you tend to take things 'at face value' or you are gullible – easily led. You like to believe what people say is always the truth or what they are really feeling.

    When and if you later find out you were mistaken about someone or something, you are likely to be disappointed.

  3. It is a word of caution posted by one of your well wisher, telling you not to accept every one at their face value, not to expect the life to be uncomplicated and easy,or to assume that everyone you meet are honest and kind.People lacking experience of the world are said to be naive. You should feel grateful to the person who made this observation.


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