I work in a call center where it is FREEZING all the time! It is raining outside and it is seriously like below 60 in here. We have a 'suggestion' page where we can send questions/suggestions to the management, I have sent 2 so far this summer asking why it has to be so cold in here. I bring a blanket to work, and a large jacket, there are so many air vents in here that it has seriously started to affect my allergies, my nose runs all day long.
The past two suggestions I have sent, and the others that other people have sent have NEVER been addressed.
PLEASE help me figure out a constructive, effective way to tell them it is bothering my allergies and that it Needs to be warmer in here. I don't want to seem like I am ranting, I really want them to address this, So if you are going to be rude, please just don't post. Thanks!