
Help me write a short script with the following scenerio. please and thank you!!?

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Pretend that you have received a phone call from a very angry customer, Mrs. Meaney. She is yelling and screaming because OCI's latest widget, which she purchased six months ago, has quit working right in the middle of a very important project. She insists that you take care of this matter at once. You, on the other hand, only began working for the company last month. Mrs. Meaney won't let you get a word in. She just keeps screaming about telling all her clients that OCI is the worst company in the world.

Think about how you would professionally handle this on the phone, then write a new script for this interaction, using the elements of good customer service techniques learned in this lesson. Include both Mrs. Meaney's part and your reaction




  1. CSR (Customer Service Rep):  Thank you for calling OCI.  How may I help you?

    MM (Mrs Meaney): I can't BELIEVE it!  This widget of yours is a piece of c**p!

    CSR: Please tell me what's happened?

    MM: I bought this THING six months ago, and I was right in the middle of my year end IMPORTANT PROJECT, and that THING just QUIT on me!  I tried rebooting it, I kicked it, I jammned it, I reinstalled it, I did EVERYTHING that your manual told me to try, and it's just JUNK!

    CSR: Oh MY!  That's just horrible!  Who am I speaking to?

    MM: This is Mrs. Meaney, and I thought this WIDGET thing was going to just TURN MY LIFE around. Yeah, it turned my LIFE around alright!  Now I have to do my project the OLD way ALL OVER AGAIN!

    CSR: Well, Mrs. Meaney, I'm so GLAD that you have called us to let us know what's happened to you.

    MM:  I mean, ALL THAT WORK, just DOWN the DRAIN!  

    CSR: Mrs. Meaney, would you like us to replace the WIDGET for you? It is still under warrantee, and I can OVERNIGHT it to you right away.

    MM: Well... I don't know... do you think you can get it to me before the year-end is HERE?

    CSR:  We can OVERNIGHT it to you so the new WIDGET will come to you tomorrow or the next day.  Does that sound like it will help you?

    MM: Well... maybe if I stay late tomorrow night, IF it comes before 10am that is... I might be able to install it and redo the work.  It still would save me a lot of work over having to do the project the OLD way.

    CSR:  That sounds GREAT, Mrs. Meaney!  We are SO glad that you let us know the troubles you've encountered with the WIDGET.  As soon as you get the new one, please return the old one, and we will send it to our Technical Department to find out exactly what went wrong.

    MM: Okay, well... I mean, it's like, I was SO happy with how the WIDGET was working before, and I just can't figure out what went WRONG, and at the WORSE possible time, too!

    CSR:  Yes, Mrs. Meaney!  Murphy's Law strikes again!  Besides, our Tech Department will find out what went wrong, that's not your job!  I'm glad to hear that the WIDGET was helping you so much!  I hope the new one will continue to help you complete your project.  Now... if you would please give me your address and information for our shipping department, I will put a RUSH order through as SOON as we're finished....

    MM:  Okay... my address is...

    CSR:  Well, I'd like to thank you again, Mrs. Meaney, for calling.  Because of your valuable feedback, we can make our WIDGETs even better, and this won't happen again.

    MM:  Well, I HOPE so!  Trust me, if it breaks again, you'll HEAR from ME!

    CSR:  Yes, Mrs. Meaney, we WANT to hear from you, and please, when you call, ask for me, personally, so I can help you again!

    MM:  Alright.  Thanks, and I'll look for the delivery tomorrow morning.

    CSR:  Yes, thanks again Mrs, Meaney.  And if you have any other questions, please give me a call right away.  Have a great day!

    MM:  Thanks... You too.  Good bye.

    Have a polite day.

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