
Help me!!Please!!!!!?

by Guest62396  |  earlier

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Ok, so why does everyone thinks this blog suck?

I mean my sis made it all by herself, she's only 9, she is good at coding and stuff, but everyone thinks it sucks 'cause it doesn't have avatars(though she is working on that.) and stuff. I think its pretty good for the people who play Neopets, all she gets are flammers with nothing positive to say and it hurts her feelings. No-one enters the competition she is holding, no-one comments , though she does need more traffic. If people don't like her site then why don't they just leave? Are they jeaulous or something. But most of them don't know her age.

She does have a few users, probably less than ten. Can you help her. I feel sorry for her and I don't know what to do. Please! She told me she might close it down! I mean she updates her blog for those Neopian users who needs help but instead got some annoying flammers help!!!




  1. People are just finicky. I think it's cool.  

  2. it aint bad at all, its pretty impresive to see she can do that stuff at her age. But i will say that it isnt the most appealing website for guys. I mean its too girly, and usually girls arent as likely to look at blogs and that stuff as men are. I mean little girls and little boys, little boys are more nerdy than girls i think. Well thats what i think, but its pretty cool, girly, but cool.

  3. its good for a 9 yr old, and i suggest trying out this fun game

    level up fast by stealing food from the cafeteria
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