
Help mee!!?

by Guest62167  |  earlier

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i have the worst period crampss how do i get rid of them the fastestt?. blahh help me




  1. Take midol, it will help the quickest and the best. and take a very very warm bath. the heat from teh tub helps with the pain, and a good bath always makes a girl feel better :o)

    Also befor eyou get in, do some toe touches,  I work that stuff out and stretches you to help you relax more

    Good luck!

  2. take one always helps get rid of the pain usually in less than 15 minutes

  3. Sorry to hear about that.

    If you can't get any painkillers, use your thumbs to massage the small of your back.  It's an acupressure point, it really works.

    Hope this helps.

  4. 2 Aleve always worked for me

  5. I use ibuprofen, but midol works too.  And I would suggest lying down for a while.  I had some really bad ones last week.  They were so bad that I had to stay home from school.  I took some extra strength ibuprofen and it worked pretty well.  Hope they go away!
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