
Help men and women- please read?

by  |  earlier

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ok there is this guy that has treated me bady but swears he want a chance to start over bc he is just scared to fall in love. yesterday he call me up and tells me he is in the hospital. he got robbed and beat badly. now we are not dating bc i told him to get himself together before we start trying things out. we are both in out thirties. i tell him i am sorry to hear that and ask if i can help. he says no but ask that i talk to him about us and working us out please somehow. well he calls me to talk when he is finished with xrays and returns to his house. while on the phone i ask what about us?-- what specifically do you want to talk about- he says-- i dont fu.. ckng feel good- my fuc. ing nose and eye are bleeding. i dont want to talk now. i proceed to say well i didnt call you to talk about us it is you that called and wanted to talk about working things out. i then hang up bc he is being rude. i go to his house to bring him food and make sure he is okay. when i get there he has several friends there and he is laughing and attempting to box with a friend. now my question is should i ditch him? my reason is this - he called me to talk about working things out , i never called him. he called back and when i asked what about us- i get fuc.. as every other word. i dont think i deserved to be talk to like that. why did he call to talk about us, then says he cant bc he doesnt feel well, but yet he can bullshit with friends and even attempt to box.?? what should i do? i think he is immature and rude ?




  1. If you do talk to him again.If he starts that kind of talk again, tell him to clean it up. If he does not the just hand up and do not accept any call from him again. You do not have to put up with that from any one. Some one more than likely walked in when he started talking to you and he did not want to talk about you and him in front of them so he made excuses. I can not tell you what to do. If it were me, I would drop them like a hot patato and not even think about looking back. There are a lot of guys out there that would like a chance to go out with you and treat you like a real lady should be treated. I hope this is of some help to you. Good Luck.

  2. Walk away.

    Forget about him, your right, he is being rude and immature.

    What a loser.

    His loss..


  3. Yes you are right - he needs to show a change of character before he is ready for a relationship.  If you take him now, that's how he will behave.

  4. I had a bad marrage like that now i have a great marrage. do you think you could do worse. People do not change. you should think more of your self what if you had kids he would not set a good example. the healtiest thing is to cut him off try to improve your  self esteem and meet prince charming

  5. OMG! You are so right about him being immature & rude! IMO he wants someone to hurt. Turn your nose up at him & run as fast as you can away from him. It's HIS loss for being horrible. Whatever you do, do not look back! Just be grateful that he taught you a valuable lesson. Now you know what you will not tolerate from someone! Strike 3, he's out.

  6. i would most definitely forget about this idiot!!!

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