
Help muchh needed!? money issues!?

by  |  earlier

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how do i get some extra $$$$$ cuz i need it so i can buy a neww shirt!




  1. ask your parents or someone if you could do some things for money. u could walk dogs, clean windows, or sell some of your stuff?....

  2. try getting a saturday job, or borrow some money

  3. ask your parents...

  4. Lurk around at night with a baseball bat clubbing people and taken their money . That's what I do when I'm running a little low on funds.

  5. a shirt go to second hand shop and buy one  

  6. Sell some stuff on ebay

  7. Ask your parents if you could do some extra chores.

  8. Baby sit, mow a lawn for a neighbor, do chores at home you don't usually do, get a job. It doesn't cost $$$$$ to buy a shirt, just $ or $$. Go to a cheaper store that sells stylish stuff.

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