
Help my 3 1/2 month old daughter is...?

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Teething and she has been really cranky and thats what her doctor thinks is wrong that and colic..please help what can I do to ease the pain and help her get a better night sleep???she shows signs of colic and teething andI'm going crazy!!! but I want her to feel better.. any help would be great thank you




  1. Looking after baby from 0 to 6 months old can't be easy... its hardest job for new parents to cope with teething or colic, babies needs mother or father comfy, but u can give baby colic meds (Check on meds saying about suitable age ) before feeding her with bottle and make sure she has been winded pretty enough, it might not work, babies just needed mother's comfy to settle, before u want to put her in bed to sleep, check her legs if she pulling her knees up so thats wind still in, give her cold teething ring it will smooth her hot gums.

    things will be alot better when she is over 6 or 8 months old. Its quite understandable how tired u are, I have been through with 2 daughters no sleeps

  2. Colic - get a bouncer and bouncer her silly!  My daughter had colic and we would spend night after night after night taking turns bouncing her so she could was miserable at first....but then we bought a new bouncer that vibrates and she would sleep on her own so long as it was vibrating those nasty little bubbles up and out for her.   As for teething I would recomend mint tea frozen into tiny icecubes and put in a washcloth for her to suck on!  I wouldn't reccomend orajel because that makes the gums hard.  I would also recomend the mint tea because it helps settle upset tummies and many babies get that from teething.  Also try using lavendar baby oil on her right before bed to help promote sleep and offer a soothing scent.


  3. my baby was cranky after every feeding and i was breast feeding and to come find out he was lactose and he had acid reflux so i changed my diet to non dairy and the acid reflux diet and he was much better

  4. Humphrey's teething pellets - dissolve 3 in water and then drop into the baby's mouth with a medicine dropper. This gave my cranky teething 5 month old relief instantly!

    He also quieted down when I'd let him chew on damp wash cloth that I'd put in the freezer for a few minutes.

    Hope that helps!

  5. vodka

  6. Some info I found on wikipedia:

    Colic -

    Many believe that the condition is currently untreatable, and is best left to run its course. Other doctors prescribe simethicone, which treats trapped gas; some parents report that this is effective, but for many others it is not, and research suggests that it is not useful.[15]

    One study showed a moderate success when infants with colic were treated with dicyclomine, an anti-spasmotic drug commonly found in some anti-diarrheal medications.[16]

    However, dicyclomine has about a 5 percent rate of minor side effects, and a non-zero mortality rate.

    Alternative therapies, particularly those that include Fennel, along with dill, chamomile, and other herbs with purported digestive health benefits, have been applied. These are primary ingredients in gripe water, which is believed by some to relieve the symptoms associated with baby colic, teething and baby's gas.[citation needed] No major scientific study has proven any level of success with these solutions and the United States Food and Drug Administration does not currently advocate their use.

    Other studies have found success with probiotics such as Lactobacillus reuteri, which were intended to reduce gas.[17]

    In addition to herbal teas it is believed that the organoleptic effects of certain herbs can help calm and relieve colic symptoms.

    About the Teething -

    There are products especially for babies teething (cracker like) for them to suck on and chew, which would not harm them. Check it out at your local groceries or natural food store.

  7. This happened to me and I found several things on-line that helped. I made koolade and poured into plastic bags and froze overnight. I made oatmeal, sugar cookies and froze them overnight. I made pudding pops in the ice trays and froze them overnight. Now when she is crying because of the teething I give her a frozen treat and find out which one works better for that day. One day the sugar cookie wins and she is content, later the pudding pop works and the next day she likes to Koolade pops. I found a frozen pop plastic form at the local thrift store and make the pops all the time now. I found that the numbing solution of mild pepper and honey worked with the teething rings, when you rub some on with a cotton swab. Frozen treats are great, You just have to see which works better than others. I even made several teething rings that you can freeze and let her suck on them until they melt. There are several On-line websites on teething. Try these treats and find which ones work. Remember it will pass so keep trying frooze treats.

  8. I know one thing that works to relieve the pain is a wet washcloth stuck in the freezer that the baby can teethe on - any frozen teether or nubby one can help.  

    Try relaxing routines, using lavender (Johnson & Johnson makes a lavender all natural wash and lotion) at night after a bath, maybe even learn some simple baby massage techniques.  

    I think it's great you're not just looking for pain killer for your baby but other advice too.

  9. try oragel and tylenol, and for you i would prescribe a break and maybe a mixed drink lol...good luck

  10. homeopathic teething remedies are great.  Better still if you can find a qualified homeopath they will be able to help your little girl.

  11. Since she's so young, her mouth is probably too tiny for most of the teething rings you can buy.  I would suggest wetting one of her wash clothes and putting it in the freezer and letting her chew on that.  

  12. Cold washcloth, frozen teether to chew on it helpful.  

  13. Give her Tylenol (call the pharmacist to discuss the dosage) for the teething.  Give her 1 oz of clear Karo syrup in 3 oz of water to ease the colic.  It worked for me.  

  14. Get her some baby orajel.  That will numb it and some damp wash rags for her to chew on.  I don't know about the colicy part.  My son never was.

  15. she might be gasy...try mylicon drops.  they worked wonders for my baby.  

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