
Help! my 4 month old son is dehydrated and wont take any fluids!?

by  |  earlier

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my 4 month old son has a really bad tummy and has diarrhea ... he has a wet poopy diaper about every hour or so and he is not taking any fluids including milk. I took him to the doctors and they said to give him ORS/pedialyte 200ml every 4 hours... im lucky if he even drinks 1ml.... he is dehydrated, crying non stop, not sleeping.... and i dont know what to do! any suggestions?




  1. Um... Call the doctor and tell them he's not taking fluids?

    Just a thought. I suspect that Y!A can't administer an IV over the Internet.

  2. Call your doctor again and keep them posted.  OR go to the emergency room.  This is a serious condition.

  3. The chemist should sell stuff called "Electrolate/ Electrolyte" or something along those lines.

    My puppy got really dehydrated a couple of months ago and the Vet told us to put him on Electrolate which works wonders for babies apparantly and see if it did the puppy any good.

    It's like gatorade in powder that you mix with water and it completely rehydrates you. Just give your chemist a call and describe whats going on with your bub to them and they should know what the stuff is that I am talking about.

    Good Luck!

    (By the way I didn't mean to compare a baby to my puppy but the actual stuff is made for babys"

  4. I would call the dr again, if they are telling you there is still nothing wrong, I would take him to the hospital- you know there is something wrong, so don't let someone tell you otherwise

  5. You need to go to the DR/ER RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!

  6. Call the Dr back and tell them he isn't drinking the pedialyte and ask THEM what to do!

  7. Take him to the ER. Infants can decompensate quickly. If necessary, they can start an IV just to replenish his fluids.

  8. they will have to give him an IV at the hospital, and he needs to go there now.  

  9. Call your doctor IMMEDIATELY. It doesn't take much for babies to get dehydrated. Ask for advice on how to get your baby to drink some fluids. You may need to bring him into the hospital for an iv - but call your doctor first.  

  10. take him to the ER then.  

  11. go to the e.r .. asap . ther they can put an IV in and get him some liquids and at the same time find out whats wrong . my son wen tthrew this before and he had pneomonia , and no the IV hook up is not fun , but it will help him feel better . good luck  

  12. get to the doctor/ e.r. now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  13. get him to the doctor now.... he is sick.  

  14. Go to the doctor this happened to my daughter she didn't drink for 4 days she got admitted to the hospital and we were told if we had waited any longer her body would have slowly shut down GET THERE NOW!!

  15. sorry to say but most if not all baby doctors are Stupid!

    they always say oh it's nothing just give it time...

    well if we would did what our stupid doctor said, my niece would be dead right now!

    my sister took my niece Maddie to the doctor 4 times and he said it was just a diaper rash the first 2 times.

    then the 3rd and 4Th time she took her in he said it's a yeast infection...

    so my sister took her to the ER and found out she had a staph infection.... the ER doctor told us if we woulda waited another week or 2 she coulda died...

    so **** your baby doctor! take him to the Emergency Room...

  16. try using a medicine dropper to get the fluids in him, if that doesn't work you need to go to the ER so they can give him fluids through an IV.

  17. get a water bottle and spray it into his mouth when he is crying. umm chew up some saltine crackers and then insert it into his mouth

    if this doesn't work go to the doctor!

  18. i had the same problem when my son was 4 months old. take him to the ER its a very serious thing. they will have to put and IV in him and give him fluids. Dehydration is very serious in infants.  

  19. Take him to the ER, they'll put him on IV fluids and re-hydrate him.

  20. Call his doctor again and explain what is going on.

    Why risk your child's health by wasting your time asking this question should have called his doctor first thing

  21. don't talk him to a clinic take him to the hospital quick!

  22. I know my son's dr told me to look for signs like if they cry and there are no tears is a sign they are dehydrated or if they don't have wet diapers.  you need to take them to the dr.

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