my 7 yr old daughter has been throwing major tantrums when she cant get her own way. she screams, yells, hurls abuse at me and her father, she has even kicked and punched us. i am at my wits end. we have tried being calm an talking to her, we have tried time out, taking possessions away, grounding, yelling doesn't work and a spanking is pointless (which i don't like doing anyway). an example was last night, she wouldn't eat her dinner. we calmly told her there is nothing else and you will have to go to bed if you don't eat. this set her off in to a rage. 1 an half hrs later she calmed down however during this"episode" she kicked her little brother. this is in no way good for her little brother and sister to see and hear. i am worried she may have mental health issues as it runs in the family on both sides . any advice would be great on what to do. thanks