
Help my Ball Python won't eat!?

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I have a python that is about 3.5 years old. She normally eats every month, but right now she has not eaten since January! I have tried to feed her and she will play with her food. When I wake up in the morning the rat is still sitting there. What is the deal? Are the rats too big? She has shed her skin twice since the last time she ate.

PS. Please don't recommend live rats. I don't want her to get scratched or hurt by an angry crazy rodent that does not want to die.

Thanks for the advice!




  1. Winter is mating/breeding time for them, that's the cycle they go through and at that age he/she is looking to mate so that's most likely why.

    I have a ball python and he went off feed last year for 1-2 months and this year it was 3-4 months.

    Ball pythons are known to be picky eaters in general so its not uncommon, I know big breeders and they have picky ball pythons that have lasted over a year off feed, they can keep their weight on.

    If they start losing weight that's when you start to worry(I'm not talking about a gram or an ounce, if it drops 2 pounds in 2 weeks then I'd personally worry).

    There's absolutely nothing to worry about if he/she is not losing weight, you can't see it in physical appearance in general either, you'll have to get a kitchen scale or something similar most likely.

    Make sure the pre-killed rat is very warm but not burning hot.

    Generally you don't feed them any more then 1.5 times the size of the ball pythons girth, so no more then 1.5 times bigger then what the ball python is around.

    My ball python is 4 years old just about and he can take large/jumbo rats.

    At the very least yours could eat a medium pre-killed rat I'd think.

    You could always try a different prey to, I hear ball pythons will never refuse gerbils but mine wouldn't take one.

    You could also try a mouse or 2, my ball python will take those if rats aren't available.

    From October-April that is their mating season and winter cycle, just because he/she still isn't eating now that's nothing to worry about UNLESS she/he's losing weight.

    If in doubt take it to the vet but there's no need unless he/she is losing weight or your suspicious of another sickness.

    Make sure the temperature is right in the cage, they are very picky so the temperatures need to be just right 73-78F is what I keep mine on on the cold side constantly and 88-90F on the warm, they need warm to digest so that's most important but don't cook them either.

    Good luck I hope I was of some help.

    Here's a long but good and very accurate ball python guide that I have taken most advice off of when I first got my ball python just about 4 years ago.

  2. Usually snakes stop eating about 3 weeks before they die....

    Sorry =[

  3. I still wonder why people seem surprise when a Ball python doesn't eat, it's a natural occurence. If your python matains her weight and body mass, there is nothing you should worry about. BPs are known for having hunger strikes that can last pretty long, even months at a time.

    Meanwhile there is little you can do, your snake will choose when to resume eating; unless she looses her body muscle, you needn't a trip to the vet. Do NOT even try to force-feed or Assist-feed your snake, you will only accomplish stress.

    Some things you can do:

    Wait around 7-14 days  between food offerings, don't try to get your snake to eat every day.

    Check that your temps and humidity are correct.

    Offer a smaller rat. Some pythons will come out of their fast with smaller prey.

    Purchase a hamster/gerbil or African Soft Furred Rat. If you feed the animal directly, you risk that your python will not want regular rats later. Kill it instead and rub it against your meal of choice to "scent" it. You can freeze the hamster for re-use.

    Lastly, don't beat your bush over this. If the BP is active and looks healthy, its nothing to worry about.

  4. maybe hes not hungry

  5. i had one years ago and i remember mine not eating because it was about to shed, i also know that you do not need to put your hands in with it because it has a hard time seeing while it shed and it will strike at you.  good luck and try not to worry

  6. wait a month and try a gerbil or you can order soft furred rats i have never had one refuse a soft furred rat yet

  7. it could be getting use to new bedding if you just did and it could be sick check for mites they are little black things on the snakes and you really dont want them because you might have to spend 50$$$ on a mite bath so just check and maybe even feed her a hopper  mouse about 5 of those and she will start eating again i did it with my corn and my red tail

  8. ok a lot of snakes go on hunger strikes its common.

    the first thing you should check is the humidity and temperature of your enclosure. if it is a little off i have found that pythons are a little more sensitive than boas... you might try cutting open the mouses head from ear to ear.. it releases something from the mouse that attracts your snake to it. another thing you might try is rubbing a gerbil against your mouse because ball pythons ate gerbils in the wild.  

    i know you said no live food. but if you monitor it live food is actually better for your snake and i would recommend it.

  9. As long as you have your temps correct i would just wait for a while, i wouldn't keep dangling things infront of her this will just stress her out wait for a week or so then try again!. I wouldn't worry to much,as the others have said Ball pythons are known for this and as long as she is keeping her weight up theres nothing to worry about!

  10. Ball pythons stop eating for months quite often.

    What size is the cage? Put her in something smaller, or add more things to the tank to fill it up.

    Leave her alone completely for 2 weeks (apart from changing water and spot cleaning), and then try feeding her a rat slightly smaller than what she normally eats, defrost it in a sandwich bag in warm water. This always works with mine!

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