
Help my abusive ex spread rumors about me now people are giving me the cold shoulder!!!!!!!!!!! please answer?

by  |  earlier

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to make a long story short my ex was abusive towards me. After i broke up with him he started talking c**p about me to other people, tried to turn my friends against me, and spread rumors about me. Now its a new school year i have him in one class and i feel like a lot of people dont like me because of my abusive ex and its hard cuz when i try to talk to my old friends they either ignore me or they seem like they dont want to talk to me so when im trying to make new friends and talk to new people it hard cuz i dont know whether they like me or not ?? Also if i want to talk to new people would should i talk about to them?? I just feel like not even talking because people act cold towards me and also when im around my ex or something like in a class how should i act to make it look like i dont care and that im the better person??? any other advice would be good too




  1. I am sorry to hear that. you don't have to put up with the cold shoulder. real friends wouldn't do that to you. I would suggest making new friends and get on with your life.I think its great you broke up with him you don't need an abusive boyfriend  good luck

  2. First of all, f*** him. Second of all, you need to tell someone what he's done to you. Abuse isn't something you can just brush off. I've never been in this situation so I'm not going to say I understand how you feel, but I suggest you tell someone. It'll lift a lot off your shoulders and make you feel better once you do something about this. Next, the best thing to do is act like it doesn't bother you. Your true friends wouldn't believe such lies and you should just let them know that he's spreading rumors about you because you dumped his stupid ***. Act yourself towards others and I'm very sure they'll end up liking you. Then they'll see that you're not the person you're ex boyfriend says you are. Hope this helps! Good luck though. (:

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