
Help my baby turtle!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my big turtle tried to eat my baby turtle now his leg is hanging and some of his shell is gone if we cant take my baby turtle to the vet

but we change the water every day will it heal its self?




  1. Freezing an animal to kill is a very INHUMANE thing to is not recommended by the AVMA or any other veterinary group.   Freezing to death is painful as living cells are slowly killed off before death occurs.   If he is that severely injured, take it to the vet for humane euthanasia...most won't charge or won't charge much.

  2. wow Peek, i think that is the first time i've seen you answer without a care sheet.

    i agree that your little guy can live through this. however, now you know that you need a whole other set up, right? do NOT put your turtles back together.

    if you put the turtle back in water make sure it is clean. if you can, make it distilled water. if the turtle soils it.... dump it and add a whole new batch. only with clean water and a lot of antibiotics will the turtle be able to heal.

  3. Separate the two animals and put the little one in a 'hospital tank'- comfortable tank with the water being kept very clean (use a filter- it is a lot better than changing the water) and a bit warm- 80-85F.

    Swab injured areas with Betadine Solution (providone iodine) and add some antibiotic ointment if the wounds look raw. Let it dry for about an hour and return it to the water. Repeat this daily.

    In the meantime, do some research about the right housing, cares, and diet. Try for ideas to get started. (Your question strongly suggests that your turtles are not getting the best of cares. If I am wrong, I apologize!)

    (By the way, freezing for euthanizing a turtle is not the best way, but it is a reasonable option for home keepers. The argument that it might feel pain is based as much on theory as on fact, and considering how resistant turtles are to anesthetics, it is possible they feel pain as much that way as well. I believe in euthanizing animals humanely when needed- but I don't think it is needed here.)

    (Oh, and Peek- thank you for not pasting in an entire care sheet this time. That is not as helpful as you seem to think it is!)

  4. the best and most humane thing to do is wrap him in a towel and put him in the freezer for 5 hrs and he will fall asleep and go to heaven.

    that is the best way...he will just get cold and will fall asleep.

    Otherwise he is suffering a long cruel death.

    I promise he will not be in any pain.

    Ask your parents or a best friend to help, don't be alone,K..

  5. Okay, listen up.

    You'll need to disinfect the wound with hydrogen peroxide or Betadine. Stop the bleeding by cooling the turtle, and keep him in a cool, dry place for 48 hours to ease and prevent shock.

    The limb should heal itself fine as long as you keep it clean. Anything that won't reattach will shrivel up and fall away. If you think the wound is infected, he needs vet care or he will die. This won't happen if you routinely clean the wound, and keep his enclosure clean.

    Leave him alone as much as possible.

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