
Help my bad language!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm CONSTANTLY swearing and using bad words.

I'm going on holiday with a friend for a week - im scared to go because her mum will KICK ME OUT or something if I swear even once.

What can I say instead?

How can I stop swearing?




  1. talk slower and maybe you'll be able to stop yourself

  2. think before you speak, constantly remind yourself that your friends mom will be there, think of the consequences of your actions!

  3. I wish i could help you... but i swear a whole lot too!  

  4. Be aware of what you are saying - at all times if you can.

    Some people consider the use of profanity to show a lack of good vocabulary, so one thing you could do is increase the number of words you use so you don't have to use #@*&% all the time!

  5. Whenever I want to swear, I replaced all of them with FRIK.

    I feel good about it.

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