
Help my betta please?

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My betta luna is staying in one spot and not moving occasionally she will move to another spot really fast.She also does not eat. the last time I changed her water was sunday!




  1. It seems fine...

    Is it a new betta? Do u have a lot of ppl on the house recently?

    It might be due to stress....

    Do you know black water extract? Try putting some in it.. It will reduce stress...

  2. Check the ammonia and change the water again. Is there any thing off with her look? Any black edges to her fins, white dots, anything else out of the norm?

  3. Betta fish don't like other Betta's so if you want to get it to move put a mirror in front of it (on the outside of the the bowl).  It will swim toward its reflection to attack.  This is what I did to get my betta to move.  Also you may want to check the water temperature.  I know mine was really slow when the water was cool.  You could also try blowing air into the bowl with the straw to add oxygen to the tank.  Hope this helps.

  4. First thing... DON'T WORRY - It's all OK. Do a hefty water change of about 30%, replacing with dechlorinated tap water. Check the filter for normal operation. Dose with an all-round fish tonic and anti-fungal and anti-bacterial treatment (apparently, MELAFIX works good). Add a little bit of aquarium salt. MOST IMPORTANTLY - Check if the water is at correct Beta temperature. They are known to become inactive if the water temperature plummets. Why not do a water change with warmer water if it is too cool?

    Good luck - hope your scaly little friend recovers VERY fast. =)

  5. change water again

  6. Bettas usually stay in one spot when their resting, my betta liked to rest upside down. But about not eating, what are you feeding her? What did you clean the bowl with? Its possible your betta can be sick. I would talk to the pet store.

  7. I agree with number 1 check the ammonia level and change the water again.
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