
Help my bichon, she is not house trained...?

by  |  earlier

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my bichon frise is 3 1/2 years old and she is not house trained yet.. i tried training her to touch the bell and she dosnt touch it very good... help




  1. Restrict her to only certain areas of your house until she gets it down. Make sure to be letting her out about every 4 hours and make sure she goes potty. If she has an accident in the house, don't yell or anything, dogs can't remember that they've done something wrong. Just clean it up like it didn't happen. Every time you take her out, tap the bell before you walk out and tap it to get her attention to go out. Eventually she will associate ringing the bell with going outside to potty. After a few days, see if you can get her to nudge the bell before going out. With a regular schedule to start, she should get it down pretty fast. Good luck!

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