
Help my budgie bites

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what can i do i tryed everything from hitting blowing talking sweetly i have my budgie 2 years now i dont want to give her away




  1. Don't hit your bird. You should never hit a bird. Birds don't understand physical aggression as a form of punishment, so you're basically just abusing her. Hitting will make your bird more afraid of you (now she thinks you're dangerous, she knows you hurt her some time and you might want to hurt her again) which will make her defensive and she'll bite you even more. You're just making the problem worse.

    Spraying with water also won't work, because birds *like* being misted. Same with talking sweetly--you're giving her attention, so you're just encouraging her to bite more.

    Why exactly is your bird biting you in the first place? If you're still working to hand-tame her then it's just because she's afraid, and you need to help her trust you.

    If she bites you when you're trying to pet her then it's because she is trying to tell you she doesn't like that, and you need to respect her personal space. If she bites you because you have your hand on/in the cage, that's also normal--birds consider their cages to be their territory, she's just being territorial. Take her out of the cage and let her sit on top of it, or on a playstand or the handle of an old basket with some newspaper in the bottom, before you refill food/water dishes or redecorate or clean the cage.

    If she's only nibbling at your hand, she's either just exploring her environment (which you shouldn't be punishing anyway, there's nothing wrong with it) or trying to preen you, maybe a little too hard but you can't explain that to her, so your best bet is to try to distract her with a toy.

    If she's just sitting happily on your hand and just hauls off and really bites you, and you didn't tilt your hand to make her lose her balance or do anything to incur being bit, then what you should do is waggle your hand, hard enough that she's distracted by gripping you with her feet (some birds flutter their wings too); this is upsetting enough to both distract her and serve as a form of punishment. Do it when she bites you and eventually she will learn that she is causing it and will stop biting you.

    If she's on a playstand/perch, your hands are at least a foot away from her, and she comes up and attacks your hands, then you should immediately, pointedly turn your back and walk away. Walk out of the room, even. Birds are like little kids; one of the best ways to make them stop doing something is to pull the "I'm not playing with you anymore"--but do come back in a couple minutes and give her another chance.

  2. Don't hit her because that will only make it worse.

    The parakeet is only biting because its scared.

    Also, don't spray it with water like some people do to cats because hat will make it worse.  

    Just slowly move your hand so your bird knows you will not harm it.

    I will take a few days.

    Anyway, Good Luck!
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