
Help my cat is afraid of me?

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My cat squeaky is scared to death of humans! I have no idea nothing bad has ever happened to her, she has never been abused or hurt. When i get close to her, her ears flatten and she backs away and runs. I love my cat and i want her to know that and maybe someday she wont be scared anymore. does anyone have suggestions?




  1. i have a cat that is the same way i got her when she was 6weeks and 4 days old (i got her for christmas) and my sister had her before that so she has always been taken care of and never abused.  i never get to tough her because she still runs away from me and i have had her for like 8 months now. so i dont think it is going to change i guess some cats are just like that.

  2. 1st, don't be scared of her be as calm as you can. Also just try holding her really calmly and she'll be used to it and know that you're not dangerous but don't try like grabbing her it'll feel like you're murduring her and trying to hurt her, try petting her and try grabbing her gently just say in a very soft voice "here kitty, here ____name)  and it'll get used to you everyday, and when you sleep put her down next to you and cuddle her don't be scared though and nervous or mad. And let go of her if she runs again it's ok just let her get used to it. Good luck! (oh, and try buying treats like the vitamins give her once a day, if you give her more she'll have diarria and you do not want that)

  3. It'll take time for your cat to get use to humans. Make sure you don't bother your cat 24/7 or it'll never get use to humans more like hate them. Just try to give it time hopefully this will work. Good Luck!

  4. I doubt this is it but i had a cat a long time ago and she did well it turned out that she had a blood clot in her spine which led to her brain she couldn't reconize any of us it was so sad we had to put her down i cried so bad!!! i hope that my answer is not correct!!!

  5. Your cat is just pissed because you named him/her/it 'Squeaky'. It wants a new name and it wants a new name NOW!

  6. oh my gosh! That person who said their cat had a blood clot in her spine :( thats awful i'm so sorry.

    a good thing to do is buy cat treats, i suggest whiskas temptations. shake the bag, and get their attention and let them know what uyou have. give the cat a few and then walk away and ignore it. try it a couple times a day, and see if it becomes less scared (even if its just doing that for the purpose of treats!) if it comes to you looking for them, or follows you or anything be sure to give it more and try petting it. wet food works as well, you can get a can and tap the can and see if it comes running and pet it before you give it some. put it in a bowl and hold the bowl so it can smell the food, but dont put it down until you can get a few pettings in. if not, put it down anyway and let her see its YOU who are feeding her. do it for a couple more days, or hours if you want to feed your cat wet food 2 times a day, (small ammounts of course) and see how she reacts. its even better to get a schedule, so she gets used to the feeding times and if its still being mean and hissing dont give it the food and put it in the fridge. good luck with your cat! and i wish you all the best.

  7. Cats gain most of their personality during the first couple of months, while they are being socialized, and being taught by their mother.  If their mother got abused, they will be very wary of people.

    She may be missing some socialization, so it is up to you to gain her trust.  One way is to sit on the floor, hold out your hand, and just talk to her.  By sitting, you become much less threatening, and smaller to her.  Sometimes, giving treats as a bribe can build her confidence.  Hold your hand out, and wiggle your fingers, but don't try to grab her.  Trying to lure her with a string can give her an incentive to come closer to you.

    With her ears back, that is a fight response, so she obviously must have been traumatized at some point.  So you need to build her trust, and that will take time.  Don't give up, since sometimes when they make the change, they become the most adorable and loving kitties.

  8. try meowing that seems to help me when i have come across that problem, and try to hand feed her it will bring her near to u, or buy a play toy for her she will see u r harmless.

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