
Help my cat through teething?

by  |  earlier

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My kitty is finally teething and her fangs are coming in very fast. She's drooling a lot and in obvious pain, I feel really bad, is there anything I can do to ease the pain?




  1. Under no circumstances should you use Anbesol! It's a topical anaesthetic meant for humans.

    Your kitten will be fine. I gave mine cloth mice dampened in water then frozen. They also liked to chomp on plastic drinking straws & rawhide sticks I soaked & froze.

  2. I've always used a bit of Anbesol on a cotton ball for the kittens I've known, be careful not to get bitten, though! Just dab some on thier gums, it does help, and teething doesn't last too long. Good luck!

  3. cats do not feel pain because they are teething,just leave it alone they manage fine in the wild i don't suppose she even knows its happening

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