
Help my cats have fleas?

by  |  earlier

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iv tryed lots of products from the pet store and they just keep coming back and i clean my house often but its driving me mad!! i dont know what to do! does anyone know a good product or anything to get rid!! thankyou!




  1. The older generation of flea control products (Flea powders, flea collars and dips) are now completely obsolete. The latest treatments are top-spots, which are much safer for both pets and humans. These are applied to the skin, usually between the shoulder blades and the chemicals disperse through the skin’s oils. Some of the top spot products available are Advantage, Frontline and Revolution.

    You may think that top spot treatments are expensive but I have found it false economy to use anything else. Most of the top spot  products advise that you use them monthly but I have found that once you have broken the flea cycle in your home you will be able to use them less often. I rarely have the need to use them more than once or twice a year. Of course keep in mind that a visiting pet or a neighbour's cat in your yard can start the cycle all over again.

  2. Go to an on-line veterinary supply company (e.g. vet-uk if your in the UK) and order some spot-on flea treatment. It's cheaper than getting it from the vet, and you don't have to box your babies up to get it.

    Follow the instructions and hey presto, the disinfected cats will disinfect your house too! Much cheaper than spending a fortune on DDT sprays. Just have a good vacuum around after a week or so to get rid of the flea dirt and dead bodies. Gruesome but satisfying....

  3. Go to the vet if you cant get rid of  your cats fleas.

    It might be expensive. But it is worth it.

  4. i rescued 2 cats last week and they were infested with fleas. i took them to the vet to get them dipped and he told me to go to the store and but a bottle of Blue Dawn dish detergent. Lather the cat in the detergent and let them sit as long as you can (15 min max). The fleas will die within 24hrs. wash all your linens in the home and VACUUM your bed, couch, carpet, wood floors, etc. Once this is all done treat the animal with monthly flea treatment as a preventative measure.  

  5. A large amount of 'flea medications' at the pet stores are counterfit, and are either not strong enough or TOO strong and will poison your pet.  The stores get their supplies from warehouses, and the warehouses get them from anyone selling them the stuff in bulk.

    Your vet orders from the manufacturer and does not get counterfit products.  A $10 dose of Advantage will keep fleas off your cat for up to 6 weeks, it lasts that long on our outdoor and indoor cats.  But if you've continually applied pesticides to your cat already, you'd possibly be looking at an overdose for your pet by adding one more. Your vet needs to know everything you've put on the cat in the past two months--all these flea products are dangerous pesticides, so it's affecting your cat's liver to process what is on his body.

    If you have a flea collar on him now, take it off, they never work.  Phone your vet and ask, and let the vet know what's been used already.

    Also vacuum in the house, especially cracks, carpet and the furniture, to kill loose fleas in the environment. That's going to go a long way to getting rid of them.

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