
Help my dad is giving me problems!?

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I've been going to rugby for about a year now. I didn't like it to start but then i got into it. I've never liked the people who went there(most of them seemed like pricks) and i was never that good, i was mostly picked because of my height. It began to lull and i've not enjoyed it for a while.

Then i went to my friends explorers group and it was fun. like insanely fun. All the people there were my type of people and i basically had a ball. I came home and told my parents. My mum said it was good and my dad didn't take too much notice. i asked if i could go regularly and he said he didn't give a **** what i did.

I told him i'd like to give up rugby in favour of it and he was furious.

Can anyone clarify why he would hate me so much for this and what i could do to stop it?




  1. Your dad's probably just mad because your growing up and turning out different then he planned for you to be.  He probably played rugby when he was your age and now he wants you to do it to right?  Or he didn't and he wants his son to do it because he never got to.  My dad wanted me to play football and I just never cared for it. (I'm a soccer boy).  Don't let whatever you want to do becomed ruined because your dad is mad at you for doing it.  I say do what you think is fun, because it's your life.  If you don't have fun playing rugby you shouldn't have to.  Give your dad some time and he'll be fine with whatever your doing.  

  2. I don't know, did he spend a lot of money on your rugby outfits?  (Are the called outfits or jerseys???)  I don't know, that's kind of weird.  Did he want to be a rugby player when he was younger and thought he could live through you?  Hey, don't worry about it.  Just enjoy your adventure club.  Different strokes for different folks.

  3. Why would you think that he hates you?  Obviously you don't talk to your father much.  Why not sit down to talk (not whine, not complain), and find out why it is that he wants you to play rugby.  It could simply be because he wants you to finish out the season.  It's not fair for your team mates to drop out before end of the season.

  4. Since your dad doesn't give a **** what you do, you might ask him why he's so upset - unless he's going to go ballistic and hurt you.  He doesn't hate you, he has an anger problem and is a pretty pathetic parent.  You can't stop his emotional responses to things.  Your mom is on your side; work with her and don't count on him.  He's an emotional trainwreck.

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