
Help my dark nephthys deck?

by  |  earlier

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hey i used 2 run a macro monarch but it got boring. so i decided 2 make a dark nephthys deck!. plz fix, thx.

monsters (24)

cyber dragon (x2)

Prime material dragon

light and darkness dragon

dark nephthys (x3)

destiny hero - dasher

caius the shadow monarch

mad dog of darkness

snipe hunter

don zaloog (x2)


mystic tomato

dark crusader (x3)

armageddon knight (x2)

treeborn frog

morphing jar

spirit reaper

vorse raider

spells (11)

heavy storm


nobleman of crossout

mystical space typhoon

lightning vortex

swords of revealing light

book of moon

monster reborn

brain control

premature burial

fires of doomsday

traps (6)

magic cylinder

solemn judgement

bottomless trap hole

torrential tribute

sakuretsu armor

mirror force

total (41)




  1. srry but dark nephthys is not a card that should be your main theme i have  in my deck but i run darklord zerato deck take out cyber dragon though

  2. Try This:

    3 Dark Nephtheys

    1 D-Dasher

    2 D-Malicious

    1 D-Fear Monger

    1 D-Plasma

    1 D-Disk Commander

    1 E-Stratos

    1 Snipe Hunter

    1 Dark Grepher

    1 Sangan

    2 Darklord Zerato

    2 Dark armed Dragon

    3 Cyber Valley

    2 Armaggedon Knight

    1 Morphing Jar

    3 Trade-in

    1 pot of Avarice

    2 Machine Duplication

    1 D.D.R.

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Brain Control

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Mirror Force

    3 Solmn Judgement

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Return from the diffrent dimmension

  3. id go with the guy above

    he nows what he's doing

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