
Help my ducks?

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i have 2 ducks ans we have rats that have founf there way into the yard where they live . Has any 2 got any ideas of ways to make my ducks more comfortable untill the problems is sorted .




  1. Take the ducks inside. cleaning is not the problem you could bleach and disinfect all you wanted but the rats are after the ducks food not any dirt that there might be. it is important to remove the ducks from the situation as the are becoming distressed and because of disiese. If you do take them inside make sure it is a quite place so as not to stress them out further and for the time being let them take a bath in you bath if they are used to having somewhere to swim which they should be. i hope this helps you and you and your ducks are soon happy again. x

  2. You need to clean clean clean.  hose off the area that the ducks are in and try to get rid of their droppings.  get all grains and food in a metal can with a lid and only put out small amounts for the birds.  Rats carry diseases that are really bad. And will eat your birds while they sleep or attempt to.  You have to find where they are nesting and use poison aggressively before they move into your house.  clean up any items that might be on the ground.  remove all food and water at night.  Your ducks are freaked out and you will not get them comfortable with rats in the area kinda like the relatives from h**l coming to visit. Good Luck do some research about where rats live and how far the will go for water you will be surprised they really don't go to far from home.

  3. Do you know where they are getting in? If you do try and block up the hole/gap where they are entering. I think if I had this problem, in the mean time I'd actually put some food out for the rats away from the ducks so they go to a different spot.

  4. I would bring them in doors and have a corner of the living room for them

  5. when the ducks are penned up during the night, keep the run open for a cat, or just put some poison down, we had some that killed the rats in they're sleep.

    of course, dont leave the poison lying around if you dont have a run or you leave the door open or around the ducks

    Blocking any hole or gap will not work, the rats will burrow round this as they know that there is food on the other side!!!!
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