
Help my earring got stuck on my foot?

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aaa plz help i was walking without shows and there was an earring on the floor and i accidently stepped on it and its stuck in my foot help how do i take it off i tried pulling but it hurts too badly




  1. I did the same thing you have to yank it out ,oh and it contines to hurt even after you get it out, mise well pull it out now otherwise you are gonna be in pain longer

  2. You'll have to be brave and treat it like a plaster. Pull it out quick.

  3. make sure your foot is clean b4 you take it cause it could get infected

    then carefully take it on if you yank it out you could make it a lot worse then put some antiseptic cream on it and put a plaster on it. no need 2 take a pain killer unless it starts to really hurt.i'm sure you'll be fine.


  4. just yank it out quickly and make sure you wash the surrounding skin with alcohol and put some topical medicines on it like Neosporin and put a bandage over it after

    also to sooth the pain put ice over it, trust me it worked for me when i stepped on a nail.

  5. ouch.. that would kill.

  6. the faster you get it done, the less it will hurt. So just close your eyes, and rip it out. once the erring is out, it will relieve some pain

  7. Wash it with soap as a lube. Possibly take some pain killers before you pull it out? Good luck.

  8. Just yank it out and clean the area with some disinfectant on a cloth. If the area looks like it may be infected then see a Dr. Good luck.  :)

  9. you should go to the ER if it it stuck all the way in your foot. you should never pull anything out your self.

  10. bite a towel, and jus pull it out fast as u can, and then get sum pain killers and wrap it up, you will b fine


  12. I don't know on how to get it out but sounds like you're just going to have to pull!

    And also, you might need a tetanus shot if you haven't had one.

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